September 8, 2008

The Dead Bird

Plaza de Armas, Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

Ok, so I am not technically sitting in the plaza right now, but the picture is of the fountain in the plaza.  I am actually at a Starbucks because the wi-fi I was promised at my room is non-existent, so any blogging will be done here.  Despite the lack of a constant connection, I am actually quite happy in my new neighborhood.  My room is centrally located and only minutes from pharmacies, restaurants and the supermarket (which, may I add, sells liquor until midnight everyday except Sundays when they close at 8!)  I basically just walk around aimlessly, finding different places where I can sit and observe people.  I already know many of the locals, a large part of them addicts who I always encounter asking for money.

Just today I was sitting on my balcony watching life happen and I witnessed a group of birds all fighting over a piece of bread in the middle of the street.  They were so engrossed in their battle over food that they waited until the last possible second to get out of the way of a car.  One of the birds didn't fly fast enough and was killed.  Yes, right in front of my eyes--THE HORROR!  I could not help but look at the carcass even though it totally repulsed me.  I figured I would have to see that dead bird until the sweepers came by but I was praying that I wouldn't just have to wait until it decomposed.  Anyhow, after a minute or so, this young guy who always sits across the street asking for money decides to get up and dispose of the dead bird himself.  Next time I see him, I am giving him a dollar.  BTW, I did give him a dollar the next day but I didn't tell him that was the reason why.  

*The picture of the dead bird is simply to provide a visual for my story and is not the actual bird that was killed on my street.*


Marla said...

This is hilarious. Even though this is not your bird, you still seemed to find one on the edge of the road, DEAD! How funny. You are a riot cuz, keep them coming!

Unknown said...

Honey...what do you mean this wasn't the bird?!! I was all it WAS said bizarre!