November 20, 2008

Culebra Island

Ahhhh, Culebra island is off the east coast of Puerto Rico and one can get there for $4.50 round-trip on a ferry.  I recently went on a 4am ferry and was at the beach from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. yup, a full work-day's worth of sun.  The water is crystal clear EVERYWHERE!  Flamenco Beach is ranked one of the most beautiful beaches in the world and I can understand why.  It is pristine...The sand is white and powdery.  There are no shells or rocks or anything floating in the water (except the occasional jellyfish).  I even got to dive off the pier into about 15-18 feet of water.  I COULD SEE ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM!  It was so inviting that I have jumped off the pier all three times I have been there.  The picture of that ladder is in the water I dove into.  Do you see how clearly you can see it even under water?!?  The place never ceases to amaze me.  I am glad that we (humans) have not messed it up!  The video is sideways...but you will get the idea!  

1 comment:

Marla said...

Bueno chica! Como te sientes?

Loved the dive in, watching M. Phelps gave you some hints huh? Well, I'm also glad to see that you finally were able to put some stuff up. Miss your perspective on things. See you soon!