November 29, 2008

Guilligan's Island

Off the southern shore of PR, in Guanica, one can take a quick ferry ride over to another natural paradise.  Guilligan's island also has the crystal clear water like Culebra, but there is no real beach.  The island is filled with plant-life, the beautiful mangles (mahng-lays) grow tall in some places and you can climb them and jump into the water from them.  I was on my way swimming out in the lagoon to try and do a little diving but my friends and I all swam away from a huge jellyfish as if it were a damned shark.  The thing was huge though, like 9 inches wide, and I know this because after my friend stuck his hand into it and swam away like a madman (causing all of us to abort mission Mangle Dive) the huge creature decided to swim right by me...I was floating and I felt something and when I turned that bad-boy was floating.  It was not floating horizontally on the surface of the water but was swimming, turned vertically. That's when I saw how big it was (and pretty, ,it had purple in it) and I understood why my friend swam away so fiercely.  Anyhow, my new camera is in the states and the pics here were taken on my phone.  Not the best quality but you get the picture (no pun intended...)!  The sunset was amazing too!  The plants you see are the mangles.  This trip was awesome though.  We had a BBQ and drank bacardi rum punch all day while chilling in preserved nature.  Amazing.  


Marla said...

This is so my favorite place in PR. We make the trip everytime we go. The best thing to do is take a raft, swim up the stream and then let the current take you back down. The most relaxing place...

♡Kim♡ said...

Your photos here are AMAZING! I have a blog too but mine is boring.

Unknown said...

Hi mimi! I don't know if this blog works anymore but whatever. Through a series of lost phones I lost all my numbers but today I wondered how your adventure was/is? Shoot me a text if you get this. Best wishes. -young boy